Join the UK's
National Dental Awards Programme
The Dental Awards Programme has been produced and taught by qualified Dentists and Doctors. It recognises your achievements with a Dental Award, unlocks valuable opportunities and helps you to work smart. The Awards guide you through the ‘non-academic’ admissions criteria for dental schools in a systematic way. The Dental Awards Programme is based on a mentoring process that is fun, enjoyable and takes some pressure and anxiety away from applying.
There are three levels of Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Students who achieve the Dental Mentor Gold Award (and obtain 1 dental school offer) are automatically guaranteed an interview for the opportunity to obtain a scholarship for university. The Awards Mentors provide guidance on how to form a competitive CV that is well supported with evidence, alongside invaluable pastoral support to ensure that students maintain their wellbeing on this challenging journey.

There are 3 levels of awards that students can involve themselves with. Student’s will be enrolled automatically to the awards programme which will correlate with your chosen Pathway. For example, if you were to register on the Bronze Pathway, you’ll be automatically enrolled into the Bronze level of the awards programme, and should you wish to advance to the Silver Pathway, you’ll be automatically enrolled onto the Silver level of the awards programme, and so fourth.
Students will follow the Awards Mark Scheme, completing activities for those levels, accumulating prizes, certificates and evidence of valuable medically relevant extra curricular activities in the process that makes them stand out as dental applicants. When you complete all of the criteria for the specific award level, student’s are awarded with a certificate of completion for the Award as recognition for their commitment to dentistry.
Dental awards act as powerful indicators of a student’s potential for success in the dental profession. When admissions committees or future employers review applications, they often look for evidence of outstanding performance and a strong commitment to the field. Winning a dental award provides concrete proof of a student’s capabilities, as it is typically bestowed by renowned experts and national dental organisations, like Dental Mentor. It demonstrates that the student’s skills have been acknowledged and endorsed by esteemed professionals, elevating their profile and distinguishing them from other applicants.
This depends entirely on how proactive the student is. You can complete your awards programme as quickly as you want, or you can work through it slowly and at a steady pace. This is up to you. However, there is a deadline to complete your Gold Award in order to be considered for a £12,000 Dental Mentor funded MedSoc UK scholarship. This is because all of our students that complete the Gold Awards are automatically guaranteed a scholarship interview. At the interview stage, all students are on the same level and the award is made based on interview performance. We do not take into account your grades, or any means testing. That is because these are merit based awards that are awarded on the potential of the students and their enthusiasm to learn and make a difference in the future. The scholarship interviews take place in the summer just before students start university. So the deadline to complete the Gold Award is June 30th in year 13/S6/Northern Irish 14, in time for the scholarship interviews.
Absolutely! Regardless of which level you start on, you can use activities that you have been involved with through secondary school from year 10 onwards, as long as they are still relevant and up-to-date. This is line with dental school admissions criteria too. Dental schools rarely accept evidence of activities or prizes that you have completed prior to year 10 because it is not ‘current’ enough for your application.
As you work through each of the criteria, you must ensure that you are gathering evidence of your achievements. The criteria for this ‘evidence’ is very flexible, for example you can submit a certificate, reference, email, screenshot, photo or even a video of your activities. This is not an exhaustive list either! We ask that you upload your evidence for each criteria onto your allocated Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Pathway form for sign off. This will also save all of your achievements in one place and keep you organised! This process will encourage you to collect evidence as you go along, as it is far more difficult to ask for a reference from a work experience placement months after you have completed it. Dental Schools are also well within their rights to ask for your evidence at any point of the application process, and at random. That is why getting into the habit of carefully structuring and prioritising your extra-curricular activities and collecting evidence is a crucial aspect of your application process.
Yes! The awards programme criteria are cumulative. For example, under the application knowledge criteria it states that at the Bronze level you need to attend one dental conference or educational session (such as in-person or virtual societies and clubs), and for Silver you have to attend 2. But if you start on the Bronze award programme, and you have already completed one conference, in order to complete the Silver award you only need to complete one addition conference (not 2) because the criteria stack on top of each other – it is cumulative. That means, that even if you start at the Gold level and you are working through all of the Gold criteria, you will automatically complete Bronze and Silver because this criteria is already contained within Gold. Therefore, you will still be awarded with all three levels of Award.
Awards E-learning programme: E-Learning is available to students on the Silver, Gold and Platinum Pathway’s. If you enrol on one of these three pathways, the e-learning is the first thing you should watch after registering and starting your awards programme! There are detailed videos explaining every single criteria, their significance to the medical school application, and the types of evidence that you can collect to get signed off.
Awards Drop-in Clinics: We run virtual drop-in clinics every Friday for 2 hours on zoom. Students are provided with their own zoom link which they can use at any time. Dentists and mentors will be available online during this time to answer any awards-related questions that you have, and provide guidance on organising and arranging your extra-curricular activities to ensure that you are prioritising the best examples and collected the correct evidence too!
Extra-curricular activities: We run a huge range of extra-curricular activities at Dental Mentor to help you conveniently and effectively sign off your awards criteria and build up your impressive list of prizes, certificates and valuable experiences. This includes:
– Leadership opportunities: Students who are enrolled on the Silver, Gold or Platinum Pathway’s can apply to the Leadership Programme, apply for committee position on the UK’s largest virtual dental or wider-reading societies.
– Teaching opportunities: You can teach at society meetings, or within your own school with the help of Dental Mentor resources.
– Presentation opportunities: You can deliver a presentation at any of our national dental conferences or society meetings. You could even win a presentation prize!
– Research opportunities: You could write and article and publish this in a national medical magazine with Dental Mentor.
– Prizes: Students on the Silver, Gold or Platinum Pathway’s can apply for the national dental essay or art competitions that take place 4 times a year. We also run fortnightly competitions as part of the student societies, as well as dental ‘challenges’ during the school holidays!
– Volunteering: Dental Mentor is an official partner of the BDA which is the Dentists Charity in the UK. We regularly host fundraisers in support of the BDA which will count towards volunteering. All of our students who take part in our virtual fundraisers are awarded certificates and references from the BDA and Dental Mentor for their valuable contributions.
Dental Conferences: We host a range of conferences every weekend, where students can strengthen their application knowledge base and receive a certificate for their time commitment to their dental school applications.
At Dental Mentor, we have pre-prepared dental activities at the ready for students to easily slot into at any time. All of our programmes are designed with students in mind and so we ensure that they save as much time as possible while providing the maximum amount of impact. All of our Awards students have these at their fingertips, and it is no wonder that so many Dental Mentor students go on to become successful dental students and dentists in future!
You will be automatically registered for the Awards Programme by enrolling onto one of our Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Pathways. Each Pathway correlates to the Awards programme level, but Platinum will give you full access to the Gold level awards.
Join Our Future Dental Leaders: Successful Awards Students
We teach 50,000 students every year and our authenticity policy mandates us to abide by the GDC and GMC’s professional code of conduct: honesty, integrity and respect. All photos and stories are of real people. We will never engage with false or paid for reviews on third-party review platforms. To learn more about our authenticity policy click here.
Let's Get that Dental School
Dental Mentor is an all-in-one solution to your dental school application. We bring only the best resources for tackling every single component of your dental school application to one place. We are here to help you work efficiently, by balancing the UCAS application process alongside your school work and extracurricular activities. One of the best ways to save you time is to direct you to the best advice and resources so that you do not have to waste time searching for them yourselves.
We know what you are going through, as doctors and dental students who were in your position! By combining application knowledge, extracurricular opportunities, platforms to up-skill and boost confidence, it is not a surprise that Dental Mentor students are successful. Will it be difficult? Yes, applying to dental school is not easy. But through Dental Mentor it will be less stressful, and even fun. Let’s get started!
Quick Application Guide to Dental School
Click on the links below to take you straight to the resources that you need help with.
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