


Join Our Virtual Medical Society

April 22, 2020
Join Our Virtual Medical Society

Where did the idea of a Virtual Medical Society come from?

During the course of the lockdown campaign our Medic Mentor secondary school students came up with the idea to set up the Virtual Medical Society.  This is something that the students can do to keep in touch with each other now that schools have closed.  It also enables students to network with like-minded students outside of school, and even with some of our international students!

What is the purpose of the Virtual Medical Society?

We aim to mentor students continuously throughout their application journey and help them to keep focussed.  Medic Mentor will be co-ordinating the structured Virtual Medical Society, to support students with their insight into medicine and applications to medical school. The Medical Society will have the added bonus of having guest speakers and teaching from the mentors (the Education Directorate and Regional Mentors) and medical student scholars.

How will the Virtual Medical Society meet?

We will be creating a series of blogs covering wider-reading and application information, to be discussed during virtual weekly meetings, which will take place on Tuesdays from 8-9pm (this appears to be the best time that students and mentors are free).

Student-led Committee

The committee will work as a team (virtually) to focus the group and ensure that the content which is being covered, is what students want.  Applications for a position on the central committee are now open.  We are looking for students from year 10-12 to apply.  Applications for a position on the central committee will open in August and a new committee will be appointed in September each year.

Virtual MedSoc Whatsapp Group

Many of our secondary school students have found that staying in touch via whatsapp during the lockdown has been very useful.  Therefore, we will also have a WhatsApp group running alongside the Virtual Society, which will be run by the new student-led central committee.  This is optional, and chats should be kept Medical Society relevant at all times.  There will be a safeguarding officer and a Chief Mentor (qualified Doctor) monitoring the Whatsapp Group.  Joining is entirely optional, but you must complete the online form and read our strict safeguarding document.


Medic Mentor takes safeguarding very seriously.  Safeguarding officers and Cheif Mentors will be monitoring the Virtual Medical Society.  If students misbehave and/or deviate from the Medical Society Code of Conduct, you will be removed from the group indefinitely.

How do I Join?

1. Complete the MedSoc online sign up form

2. Apply for a Leadership Position on the central committee (this also counts towards Awards Criteria).

3.  Join the Whatssap Group here (optional)

 Submit a comment below once you have signed up to the group!




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