


Dealing With Change

June 23, 2020
Dealing With Change

Hi, I’m Hannah and I’m Aaliyah and we are the welfare officers on the VMS committee. Each week we will be discussing matters related to wellbeing and how we can support each other during this difficult process. It doesn’t have to be a stressful time, and our aim is to help each other. We’d love to have your involvement in these discussions, so please feel free to share experiences (this can be done anonymously if you would like to do so). Join us in discussing each week’s topics by sharing your thoughts and questions. The goal of this blog is not to judge others based on their experiences, but to make sure everyone feels valued so please be respectful of people’s opinions even if they are different from your own. We’ll be discussing a new topic each week and answering the most common questions during the weekly Virtual Medical Society Meetings, as well as in the comments section below. We’d love the main body of this blog to be a discussion, therefore, we have included a short intro to this week’s topic to be used as guidance. However, we want the conversation to be led by you because it’s your Virtual Medical Society after all!

If you have any suggestions of topics, you’d like covered in the future then please let us know in the comments too!  

This week we will be discussing:- 

Dealing with Change

Change is something that we all must deal with and have all experienced throughout our lives.

Changes can be big or small, good or bad, but they can make life more interesting and  allow us to grow as people.

For those of you at the last VMS meeting you may have realised that Tuesday was our last ever VMS meeting as a committee. (If not, we’re sorry to be the ones to have to break it to you!) 😔

Dealing with change can be difficult, especially with so many coming up in our lives.

From readjusting from life in lockdown, to starting sixth form and even applying to university and getting ready to start the next phases of our lives, changes are becoming very real.

This can create uncertainty and anxiety, especially after getting into a routine and doing something for so long-we were just  as lost as you guys when the COVID19 campaign ended and we didn’t know what to do with our time!

Everything takes time to get used to, whether  that be physically or emotionally.

Adjusting to a new routine is hard and it’s understandable that you may feel out of place for a while.

We will honestly feel the same without the VMS to occupy our Tuesday nights,  but when dealing with change, we need to remember the excitement of starting something new.

Over the summer we’ll have to adjust to so many new things.  

For us Year 12’s and S6s this means getting our applications ready, which is terrifying (but please don’t forget medic mentor are here to support you the entire way).

This may also be getting ready to start a new college or going into year 11.

Whatever it is we promise that you will  get through the adjustment period and come out stronger on the other side.

We’ve learnt so much during this time and are grateful to you all for  reading the blog and attending the VMS meetings and would just like to take a moment to thank all of you for being part of our journey as the wellbeing officers!

Please remember that although we don’t have meetings the VMS will be here for you throughout the summer, so please remember to contact medic mentor if you have any queries or concerns.




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